What Happens to Your Vehicle After DUI?
When driving under the influence and you get arrested, there are many consequences that you will suffer. One of which includes having your car impounded. When the officers stop and handcuff you, you must leave your vehicle as they take you to jail to be aligned in court. The impacts on your car will depend on your previous DUI conviction and the location of your vehicle. If you are in Lynnwood, you can be towed, and it can be challenging to get it back. That’s why you must contact a DUI attorney in Lynnwood to represent you in court and ensure your vehicle will be taken care of. Understanding the DUI process from start to finish can help you avoid common mistakes that most people make. This article will explore what happens to your vehicle after DUI.
The Initial Consequences and Towing
If the highway patrol decides you are too intoxicated to drive, they will take you to the police station before you know it. In such instances, you must incur expensive towing charges for your vehicle from the current location. Most police will partner with towing companies to help in such a situation. Your vehicle will be taken to the vehicle impound lot, but the tow fees will be passed to you upon release. You will also have to pay the additional amount for retrieving your vehicle from an impound lot.
Ways to Avoid Your Vehicle From Towing
As stated, the towing and retrieving of your vehicle can be very expensive. The good news is that you can incorporate this to avoid this.
- Safe Location
Most times, care to get towed if you are stopped on a highway since it’s not a safe location. However, it might be considered safe if your car is in a secure area, such as a parking lot or one with relatively straightforward traffic. However, this is often a rare occurrence, and it’s hard to bet on it since you can be stopped from anywhere by the police.
- Carrying A Sober Passenger
When driving under the influence, you might need to consider carrying a sober passage to either a friend or a family member who is fully licensed. If you get arrested by the police patrol for DUI, they might permit your sober passage to drive your vehicle home if you permit it. However, they can also be in cuffs for allowing you to drive while intoxicated, which makes it a tricky option.
Car Impounded
Different states have different rules regarding impounding. You can be impounded on your first time in some states, and in others, it won’t unless you have been arrested subsequently for DUI. The judge can rule that your car be impounded depending on the severity of your DUI charges.
Instead of impounding your car, the judge can rule that your car be fixed with an ignition interlock device at your own expense. This device will stop you from driving if you have a high level of blood alcohol concentration, and the state will tax you for each month the device is installed.
It’s a Wrap
The decision to impound your car after DUI is often solved in the civil court rather than the criminal court. You can challenge the decision with a reasonable attorney and get back your vehicle. This helps you avoid all the expenses you must pay at the impound lot and for towing.